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Code-switching or "Spanglish"?

bilingual child using code-switching

How to promote code-switching through books?

1) Select a book written in your child's primary language that is currently slightly below their current reading level. This way, we make sure they don't feel like it's too difficult a challenge and we focus purely on the translation skill. There will be other times to focus on promoting more complex, age-appropriate reading skills in both languages.

2) Make sure that most or all of the words are part of your child's current repertoire in both languages. In this way we are increasing the chances of a successful translation, which in turn will increase the levels of self-esteem and confidence in using the second language more frequently.

3) Ask your child to read it to you in the second language (in this case it was Spanish)

4) If there is a new word, ask them to try to figure it out from the context or pictures before asking for the answer. If they need some kind of clue they can also offer it. Always try to let them find the answers before you give them the complete solution.

5) Ask your child to select another book for you to model the same behaviors. By modeling the same activities that we demand of our children, we put ourselves at their level, which promotes the strengthening of the connection they have with their daughter, makes them feel accompanied in the process, and in turn promotes the imitation of the expected behaviors in future activities.


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