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Mothers and fathers, why be on the same page?

parenting tips

Do you and your partner have different or the same parenting styles? How often do you support or disavow each other in front of your children?

It is extremely important that fathers and mothers talk as a parenting team to be able to offer their children the greatest possible consistency in their day to day. Remember that they are "new" in this world and day by day they are absorbing knowledge of how the world works, what actions are effective, and what actions are not functional to meet their needs. It's okay to have different personalities, but it's important that the most important entities in the children's lives are a united front that can offer them clear limits, realistic expectations, and consistency. If you do disagree at any point, talk about it in private and decide how you will approach the situation next time. Remember that the ones who will have the most complicated path if this does not happen are the children instead of the adults.


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